34. It’s Not Always About Limit Setting: How to Give Your Child Independence & Influence (& Why You Should!)

We talk a lot about setting boundaries with kids – and this is for good reason! Boundaries make kids feel safe, and it’s important that we show up as the sturdy leaders our kids need us to be. But sometimes our limits are less about safety and more about our own personal preference, which introduces some “gray area” into the equation of when to set a boundary with a child.

In today’s episode, I talk about how, while boundaries are super important in parenting, it’s also equally important that our kids feel like they have a voice. Our kids need to be able to express their needs and wants, share their opinions, and sometimes have influence in the parent-child relationship, and in today’s episode, I share ways to do this while still maintaining safety and sturdy leadership.

Here’s the thing: We don’t want our kids to grow up feeling like they always have to cave to what someone else wants. We don’t want them to feel like they have to do something just because someone else tells them to do it. We want our kids to know they have the right to take up space, and after today’s episode, you’ll understand what it means to give your child influence in the parent-child relationship without sacrificing safety or wavering in your leadership.

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 FREE Mindset Shifts to Ditch the Overwhelm & Parent in a Way That Feels GOOD!: https://www.raisedresilient.com/mindset


35. Talking to Your Child About Death: How, When & What to Say to Broach This Difficult Topic


33. Supporting Kids as They Explore: Finding the Sweet Spot Between “Helicopter Parenting” & Hands-Off Parenting