90. Rethinking Child Therapy: 5 Reasons Why It May Not Be the Best Approach for Highly Sensitive Children

Have you ever considered therapy for your highly sensitive child, hoping it might be the key to managing their meltdowns and aggressive behaviors at home? If so, this episode offers a different point of view along with 5 reasons that may change your mind.

As a former play therapist and owner of a private practice, I've worked with many highly sensitive children who behaved picture perfect during sessions. And yet, the stories I'd hear from their parents painted a very different picture, one filled with emotional outbursts and challenges. This led me to a crucial realization about therapy and highly sensitive children.

Here’s the bottom line: traditional child therapy might not be the best approach for highly sensitive kids. Why? It all comes down to the parent-child relationship. Tune in to this week’s episode to hear my opinion on the best route of intervention, and why being your child’s safe figure can help set your child up for long-term success. 

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