37. The Hidden Dangers of Using Rewards to Motivate Children (& What You Can Do Instead!)

One of the earliest pieces of parenting advice I got was this: “You just have to find your child’s currency, and then ‘good’ behavior will follow.” And at the time, I thought it was decent advice; sticker charts and treats are pretty innocent, right? And rewards are better than punishments, aren’t they? Well, as it turns out, rewards aren’t as innocent as they seem.

 In today’s episode, I dive into using rewards with our kids. Do rewards really work to change a child’s behavior? What are there risks associated with using rewards in parenting? And if you’re not going to use rewards to motivate your child, what can you do instead? I answer all of these questions and more in this week’s episode.

 Here’s the thing: Rewards aren’t as harmless as they seem; they’re actually very similar to punishments, and in the long-term, they aren’t very effective. But the good news is that you can absolutely motivate your child in other, more organic ways (that don’t cost you anything and actually work long-term!). And after listening to today’s episode, you’ll know how to do that.

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38. Why I Love Parenting Without Punishments: 3 Reasons to Stop Punishing Your Child


36. Let’s Talk About “Mom Rage” / Parenting Rage: 4 Reasons You’re Losing It Constantly (& What You Can Do About It!)